
As a lecturer and special subject teacher I educate future massage therapists and physiotherapists. Here, you find an extract of my current and former teaching subjects.

Current Teaching Subjects
• Anatom of the Locomotor System and the Peripheral Nervous system
• Manual Therapy
• Classical Massage Therapy
• Deep Friction Massage According to Dr. Cyriax
• Orthopedics
Former Teaching Subjects
• Connective Tissue Massage According to Dicke
• Thermo, Hydro and Balneotherapy
• Introduction to Learning and Teaching Situations Involving Group Dynamics

In my opinion, teaching should...

In vivo anatomy on a foot during the deep friction massage lessons according to Dr. Cyriax
In vivo anatomy on a foot during the deep friction massage lessons according to Dr. Cyriax

...be vivid!

Specialist subject teacher for manual therapy
Specialist subject teacher for manual therapy

...appear dynamical!

Bodypainting: Anatomy comes to life and becomes more concrete
Bodypainting: Anatomy comes to life and becomes more concrete

...be creative!

Training situation for the diagnosis of patients in acooperating hospital
Training situation for the diagnosis of patients in acooperating hospital

...stay close to the patient!

Supervision of interns in a cooperating hospital, here: hospital employees
Supervision of interns in a cooperating hospital, here: hospital employees

...befun from time to time!

Facial massage during classes
Facial massage during classes

...berelaxed from time to time!

Education of trainees in teaching, female student from the GOTO College in Japan
Education of trainees in teaching, female student from the GOTO College in Japan

...be communicative!