Curriculum Vitae

On this page, you can learn more about my career. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions. My curriculum vitae can also be easily downloaded:

Bernhard Reichert's Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vita Bernhard Reichert.pdf
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Work Experience

2012-2013 Technical Academy Esslingen (TAE), Germany
Lecturer; lecture: Scientific Methodology
University of Applied Sciences, FH Campus Wien, Austria
Lecturer; course: Massage Therapy

Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Klagenfurt, Germany

Lecturer in the course of study Physiotherapy; lectures: Scientific Methodology, Pain Physiology, Frequent Pain Syndromes 

Since 2008

Dresden International University, Germany

Honorary lecturer in Scientific Methodology and Psychoactive Massage in the Bachelor of Science degree programmes Prevention, Therapy and Rehabilitation Sciences and Management for Health Care Professions

Since 2008

International Academy of Orthopedic Medicine (


Since 1999

Certified course instructor for manual therapy in the advanced training of massage therapists and physical therapists

Since 1996

Physio train consult, Germany

Self-employed consultant in training needs analysis, educational planning and in-house training with his own company physio train consult


On the board of the national committee of Baden-Wuerttemberg of the German Federal Association of Physiotherapy (VerbandPhysikalischeTherapie; Vereinigungfür die physiotherapeutischenBerufee.V.)


VPT Academy Fellbach, Germany

Headteacher at the school for massage therapists and long-term assistant headteacher at the school for physical therapists

Taught in different fields of physical therapy and physiotherapy and took over as assistant headteacher of the school for massage therapists in April 2012.

Since 1988

VPT Academy Fellbach, Germany

Assistant and later lecturer in the fields Anatomy and Manual Therapy


Education and Training


University of Applied Sciences Vienna, Austria

Master of Science in Physiotherapy


Texas Tech University Health Science Center, Lubbock/Texas, USA



Dresden International University (DIU), Germany

Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy


ORGAKOM Management Academy, Waldbronn/Karlsruhe, Germany

Trained as an educational manager under the direction ofProf. Dr. rer. pol. Franz Decker


VPT Academy Fellbach, Germany

Trained as a physiotherapist (shortened training course)

Since 1988

Consistent professional development through participation in all important further training courses in the field of physiotherapy


Self-employed in his own practice for physical therapy in Solingen, Germany


Massage School at Düsseldorf University Hospital, Germany

Trained as a massage therapist and balneotherapist


Humboldt Gymnasium (High School), Solingen, Germany

German Abitur (Higher Education Entrance Qualification, equivalent to High School Diploma)